Top-5 Ways to do Client Gift Giving Right

Kevin T Williams
5 min readOct 12, 2017


by Kevin T Williams, REV Branding

Client Gift Giving during Holiday and end-of-year times has been a standard business practice for ages. Whether a committee is formed to make the gift decisions or it is the task of just one at your company, client gift giving should be taking with as much planning as the monthly budgets, especially to yield the branding benefits a well-thought-out program can bring.

Some clients you see on a regular basis, while others you meet with only once or twice per year on the regular tradeshow circuit. Regardless of the frequency of your visits with the client, it is important to stay connected throughout the year, ensuring them that they are important to you, just as you are to them. Capping off the year with the right gift program, can cement your relationship with your clients, to ensure a healthy relationship going into the prosperous New Year.

  1. Plan Early

The later you wait to plan and decide on your gift giving program, the more rushed you will feel and the less gift inventory will be available to allow you for a rounded search for that perfect gift. Late planning can also lead to embarrassing mistakes along the way. Depending on the depth of your program, you want to ensure there is plenty of inventory and time available to get your gift out to your client. Also important is the time frame for your client to receive the gift. December 1 is a big difference over December 19, as an example. After all, gift giving is yet another touch, and you want to allow time for your client to reach out to you to keep those important conversations moving, that ensure your relationship success. The time frame you start the gift giving program is just as important as executing the program AND the time frame the client receives the gift.

2. Consider Gift Giving Etiquette

Just as gift giving can be successful way to bond your relationship with your client, so could a poorly researched giving program. Consider such etiquettes as ensuring gifts are not too expensive, or not aligned with the interests of your client or industry, religious beliefs where applicable, and ensuring everyone is included. Even with the best of intentions, gift giving can be very awkward if you haven’t kept the basics of Gift Giving Etiquette on your checklist.

3. Practice Appropriate Branding and Customizing

As tempting as it is to brand everything you give with your company logo and slogans, this is about selfless giving; with your client in mind. Respecting gifting boundaries can be a balancing act, and its ok to include your brand…of course you want your client to know who gave them that great gift. However, larger customization with your clients’ name and less of your name can go a long way to ensure the message is that you care to give them a gift without over-powering your message. Your message should be the gift itself, which brings us to…

4. Make Sure the Gift is Useful

You want your client to remember the gift, and who gave it to them. Giving a gift that is useful is the best way for your client to think of you each time they look and or use the gift. The last thing you want is a gif that sits on the desk, or in a closet after the first of the month after receiving it, so why not give the most useful gift they receive that year. You can even make that somewhat of a calling-card each year; which your clients will look forward to all year…more talking points to keep you and your team relevant in their eyes. A gift that your client wants to use regularly ensures they think of you and your brand regularly.

5. Always Include Attractive Gift Packaging

You’ve heard the phrase, “You never get a second change to make a first impression,” right? The same hold true when your client receives their gift. The first impression is just as important to strengthening the bond of your business relationship as the gift itself. Often forgotten (or worse, lax), is a memorable package or gift box, which carries your brand, makes an impression, and gets your client excited to see what’s inside. The difference between your clients remembering your firm could all be in that gift box or package. Making the packaging tasteful and consistent with the theme of the gift, further shows you care enough about your client to plan that “useful” gift, and help them keep you and your team at top of mind long into the new year.

Thoughtful Packaging Helps Strengthen Your Gift Program

Executing a well-planned Client Gift Giving program can be a stress-free task, with long-term benefits, cementing that relationship with your client. A useful gift, presented in the appropriate packaging will be the icing on the cake to ensure your client thinks of you more often than your competition. The process doesn’t have to be tough, but should be just as fun as the giving itself. Enjoy the process, then reap the benefits of a stronger relationship with your valued client.

About the Author
Kevin T Williams is Sales Executive at REV Branding, matching the perfect customized branding, apparel, and Promotional Products to any businesses customer demographic. “Always at your service”.

His writing contribution credits include Hotel Executive, Sports Events Marketing, and Men’s Health Magazine to name a few.

You can connect with Kevin on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram



Kevin T Williams

Branding Pro - Promotional Products — Always “At Your Service”, I match the perfect customized branding to any business’s targeted demograhic